Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Team - a write up by team rider: Roy Jaleco

The Team
November 26, 2010

By Roy Jaleco

So there they are.

A retired US Marine, a corporate senior executive, a young graphics illustrator, a travel blogger and photographer, a barangay official and certified bike commuter unbelievably strong at 68 and still another at age 65, a seaman, a lawyer-entrepreneur, a baker-entrepreneur, a socio-entrepreneur and advocate. And then finally, a stay-at-home and homeschooling dad.

 Everyone a breed apart, of different beliefs, different hopes, in different life journeys.

But life, intricately weaved as it is, calls these brave souls together to fulfill one mission, to further a hope through one momentous task. The Almighty now sends them to fulfill a purpose through a passion He has endowed them with: biking.

Everyone believes the mission before them will leave all feeling challenged and exhausted at day’s end. But deep in their hearts is this great sense of excitement that through a particular endeavor they are leaving a legacy.

And the mission? These Ageless Warriors, as what they named themselves, will pedal all of 270 kilometers to the Baguio Cathedral to put focus to an advocacy that is close to every biker’s heart: Bike Lanes Now.

For three days they will leave family and friends to push all they got with hopes of creating a better world, a freer world, a cleaner world, a safer world specially for those who go around on their own power.

All that is going for this team is their love for biking and one that has taken many forms; of daily commute to work, of the weekend health runs, of promoting an advocacy, of venturing to places that often leave one breathless. Now they are taking this affinity to their chosen sport to a higher and nobler level.

Like any effective fighting force, this team is a mix and match of skills.

We have among us those the world will view and label as “ancients”. But truly, they are the ones that inspires the rest of the team. Like King Leonidas of the famous 300, they are the battle hardened ones we look up to, the wise, where we drew strength from, who would, without hesitation, bike with you as you struggle through your aches and pains at the tail end of the peloton. (Mang Bay and Cesar)

There is one who have seen it all and done it all. Without doubt, his indomitable biking prowess is to be admired. Gifted with an adventurous spirit, he leads people in worthy exploits to discover God’s beauty that is often overlooked. Whose forum handle says it all, indeed a biking idol to so many. (Danthat)

There is the unassuming company executive whose looks defies everyone’s idea of a healthy body. This guy is not only healthy but will give anyone half his age, including his graphic illustrator son, a run for their money when it comes to active sport. I envy his endurance more than anything else and regard his leadership qualities with high esteem. A true friend to me and many. (Tony and Bunny)

We have a lone and very brave lady in this group, a warrior in every sense. A young lady but a veteran of many international cycling completions and adventure rides, she is considered as one among the best lady cyclist around. She wears the national color and a member of the Philippine National Cycling Team. For sure, she will be an inspiration. (Joyce)

We also have an icon amongst our midst. The retired US Marine, a tough soldier who we all look up to. No mountain, trail or rides too difficult for this well loved warrior. And so, as a highly motivated troop, the young carry on following his example. Indeed, his nickname describes his spirit. (Papi Rocky)

We have lawyers and entrepreneurs and a seaman who, before this call to arms, are hardly identified with their esteemed professions. They would just ride and ride and candidly share their ride experiences to those who are still learning the ropes. Like the apostles gathered by the Lord himself, their love for their ministry/sport hardly tells whether they were fishermen, doctors or tax collectors. Collectively they are just known as bikers. (Vincent, Ching, Gerry, Ronnie)

Then there is the ever enthusiastic, highly motivated and spark plug of the group. He is the moving force behind this effort, the cog that turns the wheel. There is always the higher purpose in his mind. Ever meticulous but always patient, he will selflessly guide each one to a goal that is worthy, one that glorifies the Almighty. Adventurous and selfless, a great personal friend. (Erwin)

Finally, there is this stay-at-home and homeschooling dad.

At 52, it will be his personal milestone, an achievement that will probably leave his daughters and their daughters and sons after them talking. Yes, perhaps, his legacy. For there are those who like him cannot show the massive edifice he has built, or a company his heirs can inherit, or even a life story worthy of being written on the society pages of the local dailies, much less noted on their tombstones. Like some in this team, all this warrior has is his heart and his sport.

One of the world’s most respected executive coach and bestselling author, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, once wrote that one of the rules that he lives by is this: “Do whatever you can to help people.” And this team is setting out to do just this; to essentially make something that will make a difference in the world.

Courage has been defined as doing what needs to be done. So for some of these 15 courageous warriors, all roads now lead to Baguio.

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